Thursday, September 16, 2010

100914 Port Townsend & Whidbey Island Ferry

FedEx delivered my debit card just as my laundry was finished (perfect timing!) so I said goodbye to Dick (Julie was at a meeting) and headed out. I drove to Port Angeles (15 miles) to visit the Family History Center where Julie works as a librarian, but couldn't find it. I was going to have lunch at Bella's Italia restaurant (from the Twilight book, where Edward and Bella go for dinner in Port Angeles) but they aren't open for lunch. :-( (On the good side, that leaves something for me to do next time I come! :-) So I drove to Port Townsend and spent a couple wonderful hours enjoying that beautiful town. Saw a beautiful loon on the water and - for the first time ever - some European Starlings. In the summertime they are tan; in the wintertime they are iridescent black/green, with white spots on their breasts. The ones I saw were in the process of turning from their summer plumage to their winter colors - striking! The sun was shining brightly and it brought out the colors of the water and the boats on the harbor. I'd made a reservation for the 6:45 pm ferry from Port Townsend to Whidbey Island, as that was the only ferry on which they had space for my RV that PM. The water was so smooth. The sun set behind Port Townsend, and then the Juan de Fuca Strait, and it was so beautiful. And I finally saw Mt. Baker! Every time I've been somewhere here with a view of Mt. Baker, clouds have obscured it. [photo at bottom]

I'm dry-camping (no electricity) in a campground right next to the ferry landing. My cousin Gloria had just spent several days on Whidbey Island when I arrived at her house in Buckley, and was singing its praises. I'm looking forward to exploring the island tomorrow.

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