Monday, April 9, 2012

9 Apr 2012 - Mesa

One of the reasons I got a dog, is because I knew I would get more exercise, and I would get out more. Being an introvert at heart, there are times that I could just sit in front of my laptop for hour after hour (or day after day, actually!) without venturing outside....but, no. I have a dog now, and she needs to be walked at least three times a day. I thoroughly enjoy these walks, as does Joey. Being a birdwatcher, I am constantly on the lookout for birds, and always rewarded. Before I moved to the retirement community on 28 March where I recently purchased a mobile home, I mostly walked in the neighborhood around the RV park where I was staying. Since I moved into my house, I am mostly walking around the retirement community neighborhood. I regularly see and hear: cactus wrens (Arizona state bird), mourning doves, pigeons, house finches, house sparrows, curve-billed thrashers, gila woodpeckers [photo on right], starlings, peach-faced lovebirds, Eurasian collared doves, house finches, and Gambel's quail. This time of year I am on the lookout for birds nesting, and have spied six just on my street, including one pigeon, one cactus wren, and several doves. A couple of the nests look a little precarious.

On one of my first morning walks after my move, a group of neighbors were gathered around a cactus, admiring the blooms. They told me that this cactus only blooms one day each year (I wish I'd asked what kind of cactus it is, but I didn't), and this was the day. The blooms were gorgeous, as you can see, on the left.

I've taken a few short trips to my favorite parks in the area,though not nearly as many as usual because I've been busy getting settled into my new house, and have been spending as much time as possible with a new man in my life. :-) I have managed trips to: Wind Cave (a strenuous hike up into the mountain and back), South Mountain, Papago Park [green heron photo at top], Riverview Park, and Gilbert Water Ranch.

I'm also getting Carri ready for my summer trip. I'm planning to head north the end of the April. :-)