Friday, July 23, 2010

100722 Burney Falls & Mt. Shasta

July 23 2010 - Mt. Shasta, CA - After Lava Beds and Tule Lake, I changed my itinerary and decided to stay in California a little longer, so I could go see Burney Falls and Mt. Shasta. I remember Burney Falls as one of the highlights of my 2000 trip, and, wasn't disappointed. Over 100 million gallons of water flow over this beautiful 129-foot waterfall daily. Its so wide that I couldn't get it all in one shot.

Then I drove to Mt. Shasta "on my way back to Oregon" and am spending a couple days here. I'd been seeing tantalizing glimpses of its snow-covered peak when I was at Lava Beds/Tule Lake. My first view of Mt. Shasta directly ahead was breathtaking, almost like a moonscape, and it continues to be awesome. I drove around Lake Siskiyou, and then up to Castle Lake yesterday afternoon. On the way there I got a great view of Mt. Shasta, with the town of Mt. Shasta nestled at its feet below.

Castle Lake is a pretty little alpine lake, high enough in the mountains that you can see a few patches of snow on the hills behind it. I hiked a ways around the shoreline trail, where I saw some beautiful delicate white flowers, and was delighted when I realized I was finally seeing wild rhododendrons. I'm sharing with you also a photo I took of a California Sister butterfly.

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