Wednesday, July 14, 2010

100714 Albino and other Redwoods

July 14, 2010 - Eureka, CA - I spent a second day in the redwoods before I headed north again. I took a little hike to see a couple of the biggest and tallest - or at least they used to be. The new record-holder for the tallest living thing is south of here, in Mendocino County, but it's inaccessible and they're not telling people where it is! Sometimes the tops get hit by lightening or break off in the wind, and a former record-holder becomes an "also-ran". The most interesting thing I saw was an "albino" redwood, a tree sprouting from its parent tree that has completely white leaves - no chlorophyll. Very interesting and unusual, I thought. I enjoyed my second day wandering through the redwoods. Ended up going back into the woods far enough at one point that all I heard was silence (except for the ringing in my own ears! :-)

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