Tuesday, July 20, 2010

100719 Birds, Birds, & More Birds

I had a lovely time this morning watching birds near our RV campground in O'Brien, Oregon. Got a good look at acorn woodpeckers [left], Stellar jays [below right], scrub jays [below left], brown-headed cowbirds, and others. Loved it.

I spent most of the rest of my day driving to Klamath Falls. I saw my first snow-covered mountains again. I haven't seen any snow-topped peaks since spring in Mesa. Mt. McLoughlin has a little snow on it, but there is a mountain southwest of here whose top is completely white. Beautiful!

When I was almost to Klamath Falls, the road ran next to Klamath Lake, and there were many Western Grebes on the lake, including many young ones [adult left, juvenile below right]. They are such striking birds, with their clear black and white lines and red eyes. I've never seen more than one or two at a time before. And I also saw a Clark's Grebe, first time. They look very similar. I stopped and watched them all for awhile.

Finally, this evening, I spent some time at the town park, and watched some American White Pelicans [below] and more Clark's Grebes fishing in the lake.

It's summertime again! It was in the 80s today. Sunny all day. A little too warm for me, but I'm heading north and to higher altitudes so I expect it might get cooler. I heard that, as of last week, they still had snow at Crater Lake!!!

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