Monday, July 12, 2010

100709 Point Reyes National Seashore & Lighthouse

Jul 9, 2010 - I debated making the drive over to Point Reyes again, as I saw it when I was here in 2000. But I'm glad I did. There just isn't any place quite like Point Reyes. It's a unique place and the views are spectacular.

On my way to the lighthouse I drove through Tomales State Park and a pair of California quail posed prettily for me.
I decided that for today's exercise I was going to walk to the lighthouse and back. It's only half a mile to get to the visitor center, but then it's over 300 steps down and 300 steps back up - the equivalent of a 30-story building - to get to the lighthouse itself! I didn't try it last time I was here as I didn't feel I had time for it. But today I did. And the weather was great - warmer, and less windy than my last time here. Point Reyes is the foggiest and windiest point on the Pacific coast (133 mph winds recorded). This is such a windy place that the few cypress trees are twisted and bent from the wind. There is a bright orange alga that grows in places in this part of the world, and there are a number of large thick colonies at Point Reyes. In a rare treat, there was a ranger on duty at the lighthouse today, letting people in to see the lens and providing information about it and the lighthouse. A visitor told me that he'd been to the lighthouse 50 times and this was the first time he'd gotten in to see the lens. So my good luck continues...

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