31 May 2010 - I've been trying to walk every morning (you have inspired me, Rosemarie!) since I've gotten back to Phoenix/Mesa. It helps me to stay motivated if I can walk somewhere new each morning, so it doesn't get boring. And there are so many places to see in this area. I've barely scratched the surface, so I won't run out of "new" places to see for a long time yet. This morning I got a late start and I decided a dip in cool water before I walked would be a good idea, so I headed over to Salt River Canyon, but lots of other people had the same idea (I heard the river was full of people tubing and the lake was full of boaters), so they had closed the area to new arrivals!! (They did that yesterday too - the area was "at max capacity" they said.) So, I decided to drive up to Bartlett Lake, which I hadn't been to before. It is further out of town, so I guessed that there would be fewer people there, and I was right. Bartlett Lake is another beautiful place in this part of Arizona. I swam in the lake first (Boy! Did that feel good! Just perfect - not too hot and not too cold.) then walked along the shore for awhile. What a beautiful lake! There are some "yellow cliffs" on the other side of the lake that are a striking backdrop to the blue water [above left]. Although the spring wild flowers are gone, the saguaro cacti [above right] and yucca [below] are blooming right now, and the palo verde [above right] are still golden and gorgeous. (They remind me of buttered popcorn on green sticks.)
Every day is in the 90s, so it's too hot for me. I'll be heading to cooler climes as soon as my RV is ready to go. I'm shooting for Sunday, Jun 6th, now.
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