Sunday, May 13, 2012

2 May 2012 - Grand Canyon

So where is Joey now? [See photo left] The Grand Canyon! It had been years since I was at the Grand Canyon, and something I'd been wanting to do for awhile, so it was a treat. We stopped in the thick ponderosa pine forest on the way there, and I inhaled the wonderful pine scent that I miss when I'm in the desert. It was Joey's first visit to the Grand Canyon! :-) She wasn't impressed with the scenery, as we stopped at each of the overlooks on the South Rim, all the way east to the eastern-most Desert View. But I was. When you are there, you can understand why, on every list of its kind, this is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. I hadn't been to all the overlooks on the east end before, so especially enjoyed those, and the historic Watchtower. Some of the tourists were impressed with the size of the ravens that hang around the overlooks, as was I. We went back to Navajo Point, which was one of my favorites. Then we watched the sunset from another favorite, Lipan Point. It was a little windy, and it got too cold for me to be comfortable hanging out at the rim, so we went back to our snug, warm RV, at a campground in Tusayan.

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