Wednesday, May 9, 2012

16 April 2012 - St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery

I drove out to Florence (only about an hour's drive southeast of Mesa) to visit my friend Sue, who has an RV on a lot she purchased out in the country there. It was great to see her and get a chance to get caught up on each other's lives. She has a large lot out in the country - very nice. She suggested we drive over to St. Anthony's nearby, which was a great idea. The monastery has been here about ten years, and they have done an impressive amount of building and landscaping in that time. All the women have to wear long sleeves, skirts, and head scarves, so they loan clothing to the tourists to use while they are walking on the grounds. Bit it's worth it! (I don't think I'd feel as good about it, in the middle of the summer, though.) [Don't we look like old ladies?!?!?]

The cathedrals, other buildings, and grounds are beautiful. I enjoyed the beautiful architecture, including onion-shaped domes, tiled roofs, curved arches. The ornate interiors included stone mosaics on the floors, lots of gold and silver decorations, beautiful tapestries, intricately-carved wooden fixtures, and parquet-like patterned wooden ceilings. The landscaping includes fountains, statuary, and intricate masonry on the grounds. I got the impression that it had all been done with such loving care. What a treat! It's definitely worth the drive out from Mesa.

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