Monday, June 27, 2011

23 Jun, 2011 - Kentucky Music Week

I spent most of a week in Bardstown, KY, at the Kentucky Music Week festival. I'd never attended it before, and I'm glad I did.

If the only class I took was the photography class, it would have been a worthwhile week for me. The teacher was excellent, and she got to exactly where I was, and taught me just what I needed to know about my camera in order to improve my pictures. Everyone in the photography classes was expected to enter a contest on Friday, to see who took the best photos. My submission - of a bee on a thistle [above] - won first place, as the best in one of two categories, for my class. Which pleased me well. I used what I learned in this class to take the photo, and couldn't have done it a week ago.

If the only class I'd taken was the Native American Flute class, it would have made the whole week worth it. I came back from class the first day, playing my first song! And learned several more during the week. And acquired a smaller flute, that better fits my hands.

The contra dance class I took was fun, and good exercise. I also took a shape notes class that was fun. It's basically singing old-tyme hymns in four-part harmony. I was introduced to shape notes some time back, and now I know how to sing them.

The instructors gave two evening concerts, and they were both excellent. It was great spending the week with 400 people who all enjoy music like I do. And everyone really had fun.

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