Sunday, October 3, 2010

100927 Idaho and Montana

Drove along Pack River (though it was too late in the season to see many birds) and the beautiful Pend Oreille Lake this morning [on left]. Saw ten wild turkeys crossing the road - the most I've ever seen.

Drove along the beautiful Clark Fork of the Yellowstone River, another scenic byway. Saw a school of beautiful Trumpeter swans flying through the valley. Beautiful birds. I'd never seen any in the wild before.

Kat and I spent the afternoon chatting and wandering around town. We watched the geese on the lake for awhile. It was great to see Kat again, and to share with her, for just a little while, this beautiful country. Kat and Jim live very near the Clark Fork [photo below], and in a national forest.
We saw a number of deer wandering around town, resting in people's yards. Reminded me of Waterton, Alberta. The deer think they own the town there too. :-)

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